Simple Saturday: Get Out of a Recipe Rut

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I do my best to give you a variety of new and classic recipes to try.

But we all know that it’s super easy to get into a recipe rut.

This happens when you have like 2 dishes that you make every week, and you’re just not very excited about eating them anymore. Although we keep a couple of staples on our weekly meal plan (like stir fry and Trader Joe’s veggie burgers), I like to work a new recipe or two in each week.

When you’re in a recipe rut, it’s time to turn to your list of Recipes to Make for inspiration.

Oh…you don’t have a Recipes to Make list, well here’s an easy way to make one.

When you’re trolling the internet (Pinterest, Facebook, Foodgawker and Bloglovin), it’s so easy to see a recipe pin it, save it or favorite it and then forget about it completely.

Out of sight, out of mind, right?!

To prevent that and have a recipe idea list to look at before you go grocery shopping, make an iPhone list (or use your fave list app) of Recipes to Make. (Feel free to come up with a more interesting title if you wish). When you find a recipe that makes your mouth water, go to your list and type it in.

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I separate mine into categories like Entrees, Drinks, Desserts, etc.

I also sometimes put an abbreviation for where the recipe is from or saved. Organization, ya’ll! “bl” is for bloglovin; “fg” for foodgawker…you get the idea. And if you emailed the recipe to your Recipe Folder then you can just put “email” next to it.

Then, when you’re ready to make your meal plan or go grocery shopping, you can easily pick a fun recipe to shop for and make.

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I hope this system makes sense or inspires you to get out of your recipe rut and try some new recipes from your new list!

And I hope you look forward to seeing some of these recipes on the blog soon.

Comment with how do you get out of a recipe rut or organize your recipes to make?