Simple Saturday: Ultimate BLT

ultimate blt

If there’s one thing that summer is still giving us, it’s fresh tomatoes.

Let’s enjoy them while we can and make some seriously good BLTs with them. You in?

There really isn’t a wrong way to make a BLT, as far as I’m concerned, but here are just a few ideas for making your sandwich rock!

ultimate blt

The Condiment:

What you pick for the glue that holds your sandwich together is quite important. I suggest going with a mayonnaise or a garlic mayonnaise. How do you make that you ask? Just mix a crushed or finely diced clove of garlic with a few tbs. of mayo and salt and pepper (depending on how many sandwiches you’re making).

The Meat:

Don’t skimp here. Make a few slices of bacon per sandwich, and don’t get that cheap, flimsy stuff either. Invest in some good thick bacon. Go local or, like we did, go for Trader Joe’s Apple Smoked Bacon (it’s worth it)! Then, cook your bacon to your desired crispiness either in the oven (at 400 degrees on a wire rack on top of a baking sheet for 20-30 minutes) or the microwave (for a few minutes in between paper towels).

ultimate blt

The Tomato:

There’s a reason why we do BLTs in the summer and not in the winter- the tomatoes are fresh, sun-ripened and at their peak. Pick a fun one, maybe even an heirloom, for great flavor.

The Extras:

The sky is the limit here, but we stuck to arugula for a bit of peppery bite and avocado for creaminess. Maybe you’ve got some nice spinach or a special cheese that you’d like to throw in the mix? And for the bread, we like our Yellow Dog Rustic Multigrain sandwich bread toasted for this one, but it’s up to you. Just make sure it can safely contain all of your ingredients (without getting soggy).

BLTs are the perfect sandwich meal, and they really show how layers of flavors come together to make some delicious bites.

What would you put on your Ultimate BLT? (Feel free to comment with your BLT inspiration.)