Simple Saturday: Quick Refried Beans


At our house, we go through chips and salsa like crazy.

These two are permanently on my grocery list, and they’re one of our favorite snacks.

No matter what diet or health trends come and go, I refuse to give up my tortilla chips and salsa (and cheese, for that matter). Everything in moderation, but please don’t take my chips away.

What goes best with chips and salsa? Refried beans, avocado and melted cheese. Nachos, baby!

Although I’m not opposed to using black beans (which is what we usually keep in the pantry), I definitely prefer smooth, creamy refried beans…but they’re not the healthiest thing.

So, I decided to make my own Quick Refried Beans.

Here’s how I made them: I sautéed a little bit of diced onion in some butter in a skillet over medium heat. After the onion softened, I added in some washed and drained, canned black beans and mashed them and mixed together with the onion. Then, after a few minutes, I had creamy, healthier refried beans that were perfect for nachos or dipping.

No more black beans rolling off of your chips!

What’s your favorite nacho topping?
