Monthly Archives: August 2014

Gnocchi Skillet

Summer meals really are some of the best. Ok, so I usually enjoy any seasonal meal, but summer meals that require just a few steps (without the oven) and are full of freshness are extra special. We’ve already eaten two of our nightly meals this week based around the beautiful summer tomato. Like my husband said, “I […]

Blueberry Biscuits

A few weeks ago, I saw that Food52 was asking for recipe testers for their berry recipe contest! And I ran across this recipe for Legendary Blueberry Biscuits from another North Carolinian. (You can find a recipe headnote from yours truly introducing the recipe.) I knew that I had to try these out! These fluffy, […]

Simplify Saturday

We’re doing Simple Saturday even more simple today, with some ideas for simplifying our lives. With food, clothes, our words and most things in life, we often have room to simplify. I’m talking about cleaning out or closets (or actually wearing the clothes we buy), cooking out of our cupboards and saying what we mean […]

5 Bean Salad

It seems as the last of summer might be here. With all of these rain storms and cooler winds (and I hear school is starting back), it seems as though the seasons are showing signs of changing. But, thank goodness, I still have peaches and tomatoes and zucchini to buy at the farmer’s market. I […]

Easy Pimento Cheese

Remember Saturday when I jogged your mind about how delicious Pimento Cheese is…well, I hope I did. Well, today’s the day that you get the key to making easy food processor Pimento Cheese for you to eat with crackers, in sandwiches, on burgers, in grits and however else you want to eat it. Before this year, […]