chickpea and greens saute

My 10 Favorite Green Things to Eat Right Now

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I thought it would be fun to talk about some of my favorite green things to eat.

There are so many great green foods that are bright, vibrant and super tasty…and healthy! I mean, Kermit knew what he was singing about, right?!

So, take a minute to think about the green foods you love and see if you can find them on my list. And maybe pick out a few new ones to add to your grocery list and meal plan!

Here are my 10 favorite green things to eat right now and why I love them (click or tap on the title for a recipe):


  • It lasts awhile in the fridge
  • You can eat it hot or cold (sautéed or in a salad)
  • It’s inexpensive and full of iron and other vitamins

Brussels Sprouts

  • They’re easy to cook and make flavorful (roasted with olive oil, salt and smoked paprika)
  • You can eat them in a salad, fry them, roast halved or even shred and cook
  • They’re a hardy winter veg


  • This veg needs some more love
  • It’s crisp, practically calorie-less an adds a nice crunch
  • It’s great slathered in peanut butter and irreplaceable in many soups and other dishes


  • Canned or jarred artichokes are in most grocery stores
  • They’re briny and tangy
  • They’re great on top of salads, in dips or even grilled fresh

Green Onion

  • The ultimate topping with a punch of flavor (like on stir fry, noodles, salads, curries)
  • They’re a cheap veg and you get several in a bunch
  • They can be used raw or cooked


  • An inexpensive winter green that lasts awhile in the fridge
  • It’s fab in salads or cooked
  • It’s simple and delicious (and tastes a bit like popcorn when sautéed with oil)


  • Another great winter veg with lots of health
  • You can also eat this one raw, sautéed, roasted, steamed or charred
  • It’s a great carrier of flavors, like in a curry


  • It’s a great, peppery green
  • Good for salads and basically topping anything (pizza, pasta, bread)
  • It will typically last for a week or two and it doesn’t take much to get a punch of flavor


  • This genius veg isn’t cheap, but it’s worth trying out
  • Great in soups, dips and stews
  • Use a lot in French cooking (ooh la la)

Collard Greens

  • Super hardy winter veg
  • Great cooked quickly or stewed for a long time
  • Healthful with just some salt and spices or bacon if you want to add some more flavor