Scandinavian Secrets: Take life a little slower

Welcome to a new little series on the blog where I try to reach two goals: One is sharing some life lessons/secrets I’m learning while living in Denmark and the other is writing every day in November a la NaNoWriMo. I’m going to try to write a short “secret” every day and then share many on here, so follow along if you’d like.

Take life a little slower

The Scandinavians are experts at slowing down, or rather living life at a more manageable pace. They’re content with their routines and traditions and a more predictable life. Wake up, walk or bike, work, walk or bike to pick up the kids, cook, relax, and sleep.

I’m sure they still have the stresses of life like the rest of us do, but they take them in stride. And they don’t rush through tasks. Many people don’t use clothes dryers because they’re not great for the environment. Same for cars. And if they have one, they’re energy-efficient (for the lower taxes and positive impact). They stay in on weekend mornings and they have celebrations that last hours into the light-filled summer nights.

In summary: There’s beauty in slow simplicity.