
Dining room

Fruitful Home: Our Dining Room Chairs

So sorry, y’all, but I never updated you after asking for your opinion on our dining room chairs. We took quite a while deciding on the chairs, and then we had to wait a bit to buy several of them. But…drumroll please…we went with the IKEA BERNHARD white leather chairs, and we love them! They’re […]

Ingredient of the Month: Leeks

Have you ever tried cooking with leeks? They’re such a neat ingredient, onion-ey without being too overpowering. And they have this subtle delicious flavor that’s amazing in soups and lots of other French dishes. Although they may take up an entire shelf of your refrigerator, they’re a great vegetable to have on hand! Tell me […]

Chocolate almond buche de noel

Buche de Noel

So, my family (my in-laws, technically) have this really neat tradition of doing a family bake-off a la Great British Baking Show every holiday season. We’re either all together at Thanksgiving or Christmas, so a month or so before that my mother-in-law (the brains of the whole operation) sends out an invite with the theme […]

Groceries with Grace Update & Super Bowl Recipes

I hope everyone is having a grand week! Mine has been a bit odd since I caught a weird 24-hour cold thing, but I just baked these salted butter chocolate chip shortbreads, so I think I’m feeling more like myself. I wanted to give an update on my Groceries with Grace videos! They’re still going […]

Chicken & Dumpling (Well, Gnocchi) Soup

Y’allllll. Y’all, ya’ll! This is one of the better recipes I’ve made in awhile (and that’s saying a lot since I’ve made some goodies recently). You start with a humble rotisserie chicken, and then you use all of its fat and flavor to make THE BEST chicken broth over about half an hour. It’s unctuous […]