
Simple Saturday: Summer Smoothie

I’m pretty serious about my breakfast routine. After I get up and get ready for work, I head downstairs to the kitchen to scrounge up some leftovers or make a pb&j or stir fry for lunch. Then, I pour a bowl of cereal (lately this brand) with Trader Joe’s almond milk and enjoy the sweet, […]


Limes, mint, some fizz and just a little rum. These remind me of celebrations and summer nights. Mojitos are one of my favorite mixed drinks and happen to be really simple to make. And you can even plan a party around them! Just make sure there are chips and guac at that party, too. P.S. […]

Homemade Limeades

I’m busy. How many times a day do we hear this? A lot. And I don’t doubt that when we and others say it, we mean it. Our lives are too full to the brim for anything else to fit in. We’re cramming together minutes and feel out of control sometimes. This summer I’m fighting […]

Rosemary Gin Cocktail

It’s been one of those weeks. The weather has been pretty bipolar. The work week has seemed longer than it should. And I seriously don’t know what to wear day to day because of the weather changing so quickly. No matter what the weather is, it’s always a good time for a cocktail. And it’s […]

Simple Saturday: Green Smoothie

Sometimes I’m a little late on trends. I didn’t start watching The Office until like Season 3, I didn’t read the Harry Potter series until I was in college and I didn’t try a green smoothie until this week. I know that green smoothies have been going around for awhile, but I have been skeptical […]