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Simple Saturday: Pitcher Perfect

If Memorial Day weekend isn’t the time to grill out, invite some friends over and enjoy some delicious beverages, then I don’t know when is. It’s also a great time to relax and enjoy all of those things, even if you’re the host. Recently, my husband and I have been learning more cocktail tips and […]

Stir Fry

Today’s recipe is nothing fancy or revolutionary, but it’s something that we eat almost every week at our house. It also features our Ingredient of the Month: Napa cabbage. I can’t believe it’s taken me all these years to share this recipe, but today is the day. There are infinite ways to make a good stir fry, […]

Fruitful Travels: Seattle

You know what’s even better than when your friend gets married? When they get married in a really cool city that you’ve never been to before. Good work, Allison. Last week, I got to spend a lovely half-week in Seattle for my bestie’s wedding and to enjoy the city/vacation a bit, as well. Believe it […]

Dinner Party Secrets & Roast Chicken

I know you. You’re thinking about hosting a dinner party. And don’t think that a dinner party has to be some big, New Year’s, champagne-slinging, expensive, spend-all-night-in-the-kitchen gig. No, no, no. This dinner party can be as chill and budget-friendly as you would like. And you know what the key to that is? Here are […]