7 Years of Blogging & French Toast

As of today, I’ve been blogging for 7 years. 

That’s right, 715 posts later, and I’m still enjoying it all. The search for recipes to share with you, the cooking and photographing, the posting and sharing. It’s all been a fun journey of creating this little space, a small community that has given me the chance to share a piece of my life with the world.

Thank you for reading, cooking and supporting! It has been my pleasure to preach the benefits of local cooking, late-night baking and meal planning to all of you, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.


Thinking back on all these years, I’ve got a simple recipe that represents it all quite well.

It only requires a few ingredients, and it’s one you can easily memorize and repeat again and again. It’s something that can be a bit of a weekend treat (which I love), and it’s the perfect dish to share with family or friends. And when you have a few quality ingredients, you can really make it shine.


It’s French toast!

And here’s how you make it:

  1. Grab a loaf of challah or egg bread. It will make you some of the best French toast you’ve ever had!
  2. In a shallow pie or cake pan or dish, whisk a few eggs (probably 2 eggs for every 4 people you’re feeding) with a few cups of milk (again, depending on how many you’re feeding), a nice splash of vanilla extract, a good few dashes of cinnamon and a sprinkle or two of sugar. Mix together.
  3. Heat a nonstick pan on medium and melt a pat of butter or some coconut oil.
  4. Slice by slice (about 1/2-3/4″ thick), dredge each side of your bread in the milk and egg mixture a few times. Cook each side of the French toast for a few minutes, or until nicely browned. Keep warm on a pan in a low oven until you’re finished cooking each piece.
  5. Serve with warmed maple syrup and fresh fruit (or make a quick compote with fruit, syrup or sugar, and vanilla cooked down for 10-15 minutes).

Happy birthday, think fruitful!