2019 Food Resolutions

New year, new food!

Ok, that’s not really a saying, but it’s that time of year for my food resolutions for the upcoming year.

I hope you’re thinking about what you would like to cook, buy or eat more, too! This isn’t just about eating healthier, while that’s a nice goal. There are many ways to achieve a more full food life, so let’s get to dreaming!

Oh, before that, here’s what I accomplished based on 2018’s list:

  • We ate a bunch more seafood! From mussels to scallops to turbot and coconut shrimp, we tried lots of new seafood, and it was all delicious. Lesson learned: Seafood is not too expensive, super easy to cook, and full of flavor and health. We’re even continuing to eat seafood a few times a month this year!
  • I cooked several things from my family recipe box, like meatloaf, Cajun black-eyed peas, vinaigrette and more!
  • I gave up added sugar for a week. It was tough, but a good lesson on minimizing sugar intake. In fact, I’m trying not to eat dessert during the week for January.
  • My husband and I watched lots and lots of food documentaries and shows this year! From Chef’s Table to Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat to Somebody Feed Phil, we loved traveling and eating through the TV with these shows!
  • I did not complete the goal of starting a cookbook club. It didn’t really take off in my neighborhood, but one of my friends who recently moved away has started a recipe exchange with me, so I’m excited about that!

And here are my 5 new food resolutions for 2019:

1. Eat more local meat

My husband and I recently discovered a local farm that has all kinds of fabulous meat, and we’ve really been enjoying the quality and selection! We’ve tried brisket, ground beef, chicken breast and hanger steak, and it’s all been fabulous! I would like to keep supporting local farms by getting my meat there and even trying new cuts of meat.

2. Host a fancy tea party

I have this beautiful China tea set from my grandmother that I’ve never put to use, and I’ve decided that’s just a shame! So, in 2019, I would love to host a fancy tea party for lady friends and family to enjoy tea, sandwiches, tiny desserts and more fun.

3. Get serious about cooking from cookbooks

I know that I’ve had this on past year’s lists, but it’s back and I’m serious about it once again. I’ve got a great group of cookbooks that I haven’t cooked from enough. My game plan this year is to get out a few cookbooks at a time, write down recipes I want to make and then use that list when I’m meal planning. Let’s do this, cookbooks!

4. Grow more varied veg

Although we’ll be in France on vacay in early April, I would still like to have a nice vegetable garden this summer. I might just skip growing from seed this year and just buy vegetable plants already growing to save some time and hassle. I think I would like to grow tomatoes, eggplant, radishes, peppers and maybe zucchini.

5. Monthly emails and an e-book

This pertains more to the blogging and sharing part of my food resolutions, but it’s important nonetheless. If you didn’t know, I started sending out monthly-or-so emails to readers who sign up, about what’s going on in my little world and on the blog. I try to make them super fun and interesting to liven up your inbox! I would love to grow this little list of subscribers this year, and one way I’m considering doing that is by releasing an e-book. How fun would a little PDF on a few Simple Saturday ideas or cocktails or easy weeknight dinner be?! Let me know if you have any ideas for what you would like to read about!

And that’s a wrap for 2018 and a look into a great 2019 filled with fun, food and festivities! Thanks for coming along for it all.